Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

10 Critical Leadership Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by: Drew Laughlin

You want to be an effective leader? Don't make these mistakes! 

Leadership is an art form. Even though some people are "born" leaders it is an attribute that can be learned. However, to be a truly effective leader sometimes it is more important to know what not to do than what to do. 

Your goal today is to relate to the following material and discover how you can become the best leader YOU can be, no matter what level of position you hold in your company.

Successful Leaders do not make the following mistakes: 

1. "Power Hungry" 

Do you know a "leader" who says and does crazy things that you know they do just because they can? Well, isn't that silly. 

They bring very little to the table to move the team forward and bring morale up. In fact, power hungry leaders do the opposite. It makes people NOT want to work for them. 

If you're one of these types, try checking you ego at the door and stop "bossing" your people around. 

2. Can't or Won't Delegate Responsibility 

They must do everything themselves. Yea right! 

"I empower you. But you must check with me before you do anything substantial." Do this to me more than once and I'm as de-motivated as the come. 

Have faith and confidence in your people. Allow them to do their job and even make mistakes. That's how we all learn. 

3. Lack of Industry/Product Knowledge 

Nothing is scarier than when a sales rep or technical person is speaking with a customer and they don't know what they are talking about! 

What happens when that person is a leader of a team? That's right, poor results all the way around. 

Be an expert in your field and spend whatever time is necessary to master your products, services and industry that you're in. 

4. Unwilling to Lead By Example 

"Do as I say not as I do." That statement is no longer good enough. 
To be a great leader you must be willing to get your hands dirty and show your people how it's done when the circumstances warrant it. 

5. Unwilling to Adapt to Change 

Sorry folks, change is inevitable. It will always be there and it will always happen. 

You must first be willing to accept that things will always change and you must be willing to make the best of it. If you can do that and do it with integrity and a positive frame of mind, congrats you're on your way to becoming a top-notch leader. 

6. Won't Accept Others Ideas 

"Must I do everything myself?" 

"Of course not. Just give me a chance. I have great ideas and I want you to hear them." 

Try listening to the ones around you. But you must do it with an OPEN MIND. 

7. Blaming Others 

Oh boy. This is an entire subject all it's own. 

If you really want to be the greatest leader ever, take personal responsibility for your actions. 

It's okay. In fact, it's quit fulfilling to say, "Sorry, I made a mistake and it won't happen again. I learned from it and will prevent it from happening again by doing ______________." 

8. Not Watching Their Teammates Back 

When it comes down to the nitty gritty and the head honchos are wanting answers you must be the "leader" that has your teammate's back. 

If you can't, with confidence, stick up for your teammate(s), you must look in the mirror and ask yourself, "What could I have done to ensure our success with this project?" And definitely do not place blame on someone else. 

9. Taking Credit for Others Ideas 

This goes along with number 10 below. But if you don't have the confidence in yourself to give credit where credit's due, then I truly believe, "What goes around, comes around." And soon enough you'll be found out. 

10. Not Surrounding Themselves with Good People 

Tom Osborne, the tremendously successful former head coach of Nebraska football, once said that his key to success was surrounding himself with good people and allowing them to do their job. 

To me, as a leader, this is the most important point. You must have the confidence in the people around you to do their job right, let them do their job and in-turn praise them for a job well done. 

It just makes sense! 

Successful Leadership Strategies by: Charles J Williams

In this article, we look at the first group of activities that successful leaders must organise and manage in order to ensure the success of their strategies. 

Ensuring Successful Analysis, by: analysing the operating environments on a regular basis, and additionally when major changes occur; using legal and ethical means to gather information; using experienced specialists to gather and analyse the information; using an appropriate range of information gathering tools and techniques; gathering information from an appropriate range of sources; ensuring that forecasts, trends, predictions, are supported by sufficient evidence. The objective is to carry out an analysis that provides the organisation with a clear picture of the current environment in which it operates, and a forecast of impending changes. This will enable the leaders of the organisation to make changes to existing operational objectives in response to the findings on the current situation, and to longer term plans in preparation for the predicted changes. A thorough analysis should be carried out at least annually, with quarterly reviews. This will ensure that the leaders of the organisation are fully informed at all times, and are equipped with information that will enable them to respond appropriately to any changes which impact on the organisation. 

Analysing The External Environment, by: identifying the components and the boundaries of the external environment in which the organisation operates; considering the current political, economic, social, technological, and environmental situation; gathering appropriate, sufficient, reliable, and valid information; identifying and evaluating trends; evaluating the impact of current influences on the organisation; forecasting the impact of potential changes on the organisation. The objective here is to gather information which highlights or predicts changes in the world in which the organisation operates. There are many thousands of local and international influences and forces which impact on the organisation. Indicative examples include demographic changes, cultural changes, and social behaviour changes, all of which can lead to changes in customer markets and buying patterns. Another example is a potential or forecast change in a technology which could end demand for certain products or services. For almost any organisation, of any size, and in any sector, gathering and analysing this type of information is critical. 

Evaluating Competitor Behaviour, by: identifying current and potential competitor organisations; gathering appropriate information on current and forecast competitor activity; evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of individual current competitors; considering the potential impact of new entrants or changes in competitor behaviour. The purpose of this is straightforward. Competitors are, by default, competing for the same customers, and if they are worthy competitors, they will be carrying out the same type of analytical activity, and responding to their findings. Competitor activity can be a vital component of the information gathered, as it indicates how similar organisations are responding to current and forecast changes. 

Considering The Needs Of Stakeholders, by: identifying all stakeholders, within and outside the organisation; evaluating the importance of support from each stakeholder group; consulting with stakeholders to identify and understand their needs; explaining to stakeholders the organisation’s strategies and values; resolving conflicts and misunderstandings through discussion. The aim of this activity is to ensure that the needs of the stakeholders are known, and their views taken into consideration. Stakeholders can include operational staff, managers, trade unions, shareholders, suppliers, customers, clients, sponsors, funding organisations, partner organisations, local government departments, and local or national media. There can also be sector-specific stakeholders, such as relatives of patients, in the hospital sector, local residents affected by major construction projects, or parents of schoolchildren. 

Evaluate The Internal Condition Of The Organisation, by: analysing the organisation’s current internal condition; carrying out a review of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The aim is to build a detailed picture of the current condition of the organisation, in terms of its internal health. This should be comprehensive, looking at all internal aspects of the organisation, including for example, the physical location(s) in which it operates, condition of buildings, equipment, vehicles, plant, funding, operational performance, recruitment, retention, training and development, policies, procedures, products, services …. and so on. 

Adjusting Current Strategies, by: considering the findings of the analysis activities, and then evaluating current strategies and direction against these; consulting with specialists and key stakeholders about the proposed changes; adjusting current strategies and strategic objectives or replacing them with new ones; implementing a management system that will monitor, control, and adjust where necessary, the new strategies. The objective here is clear. To survive, the organisation must have in place appropriate strategies. Unless strategic direction, specific strategies, and their related objectives, are regularly evaluated, maintained and adjusted, the ability to compete will deteriorate and eventually the organisation will fail. 

Adjusting Systems and Structures, by: evaluating the appropriateness of the current systems and structures in meeting the demands of the new strategies; consulting with all affected stakeholders on proposed changes; planning and implementing changes to operational, quality, and cultural systems, policies, procedures, and structures; implementing procedures to monitor, control, and adjust these as necessary.The purpose of this is to put in place an appropriate infrastructure that will support the new strategic and operational objectives. Unless this infrastructure is compatible with, and supports the achievement of, these objectives, the strategies will run into difficulties and almost certainly fail. 

Adjusting Current Operational Objectives, by: adjusting operational objectives and activity in response to the changes in strategic direction; implementing an appropriate quality assurance management system to maintain operational quality standards; implementing procedures to monitor, control, and adjust operational activity and objectives as necessary. Operational activity must support and help achieve the strategic objectives. It is extremely damaging, if not fatal, to allow operational activity to continue unchanged, when the strategic direction and objectives of the organisation have changed. 

Adjusting Personnel Capabilities, by: comparing the current and potential performance capability of key individuals and teams against the forecast performance requirements; improving personnel capability by re-training and development where appropriate; replacing individuals and teams where necessary; implementing an individual and team appraisal and development system.The aim of this activity is to ensure that, at all levels, the best possible individuals and teams are in place to support and help achieve the organisation’s goals. Without the right people the strategies will fail. 

In Summary: analysing the environment in which the organisation operates is the most critically important activity that the organisation’s leaders undertake. It represents the sole purpose of the leaders, that is to ensure that the organisation is taking the most appropriate strategic direction and is equipped with the optimum resources needed to be successful in achieving its objectives. High quality information is critical to the success of the organisation, and information about the changes and challenges facing the organisation in the future is the most valuable of all. 

Extraordinary Leadership!! by: Dr. Daniel Choo


The world, everywhere is looking for leaders! 

Governments need leaders of substances to bring about good governance. The organizations pay attractive remunerations for leaders who can build them to greater heights. Our communities need good leaders to establish social cohesion for a peaceful environment. Our homes need leadership to bring about love and harmony in the family. Good leaders are needed everywhere. It is surely a rare commodity and the recruitment is still on going. 

Great organizations are not just looking for managers that manage their function well, but rather for leaders that can influence others for breakthrough results. Growing their people, their teams through empowerment and creative actions for winning over competitions. 

Some examples of extraordinary leaders are: Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, etc.. 

What is leadership? 

Rosalyn Carter once said, "A leader takes people where they want to go. A great and extraordinary leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go but ought to go!" That is extraordinary leadership, isn’t it! 

We all know that leadership is all about INFLUENCE! Influencing lives, societies and the environment for the good of all. It is about sacrificial giving of service and not taking for selfish reasons. Can someone like us, who always deem ourselves, as ordinary people become extraordinary Leaders? 

The answer is a definitely YES! 

Let me convince you that it is possible. I will share with you 3 key principles about leading influence for extraordinary results. 

"Ordinary people like you and me can have extraordinary influence in life!" We can impact people whom we serve, work with and lead, if we put these 3 key principles into daily application." Walking the TALK not just WALK! NATO leading is not powerful and is not accepted by all. (N.A.T.O.which means No Actions Talk Only). 

The 3 key principles with the alphabet, "I", or I called it 

The 3 Is of Leadership Influence. 

That is: 

I – INSPIRE the future. 

I – IGNITE the spirit of innovations. 

I – INSTILL the people with Faith, Hope and Love. 

Let me now elaborate, firstly the I – INSPIRE the future. 

Leadership is about looking at the future, future direction and future vision. As the wise saying goes, " Without vision, people perish!" So leadership without vision kills not only the leaders but also the people they lead. We all need to have a direction of what is to come and leadership influence and inspiration for the people to move towards it is necessary. 

Regarding direction. Let me share an ancient story which happened in the central province of Hang Zhou, China many years ago. There was a war that broke out in the North of the province. There was a young man; full of courage and faith, decided that he would go for the war with their warriors to defeat the enemy of the land. He prides himself, saying, I will go and fight the war and I will win. I will win because I have a sharp sword, strong horse and a brave heart! He was chanting his victorious war cry, "I have a sharp sword, strong horse and a brave heart, I will win the war for our country". 

However, along the way he met a wise old man who stopped him. "What are you doing, young man?" Answering with a confident voice, he replied, "Sir, I am going to the North to fight the war and I believe I will win the war as I have a sharp sword, strong horse and a brave heart." 

The wise man retorted, "young man, what makes you so sure that you will win the war? The war is in the North, but the direction you are heading is going South!" 

How true, isn’t it. Leaders may have a good direction, but if they are heading to the wrong direction, then that is sure disaster! 

Direction dictates vision. Vision empowers people to the future. But it is clear and shared vision that will harness people’s commitment and synergy towards true success. 

So to become extraordinary, INSPIRE a shared vision among those we lead. 

Next is about I – IGNITE the spirit of innovations. The future belongs to people and organizations that innovate. The saying goes, either we INNOVATE or we will EVAPORATE! Everyone in the organization must be responsible for innovation. Innovation is a result of people not the organization. People innovate, never the organization. It is leadership that empowers the people to unleash their creative potentials to the fullest. Leaders need to ignite the spirit of innovation by creating a climate through Respect, Trust and Effective Communication. 

The power of innovation, is derived from people that add and multiply to life and not from those who minus and divide life. A positive and multiplying leader ignite the potential of those they lead to the similar positive and multiplying outcome. They look for ways to ADD value and areas to MULTIPLY impact on the organization. Good followers are influenced by good and effective leader. On the other hand, good leaders are encouraged and supported by strong followership as well. 

Finally, let me share about the last I – INSTILL the people with Faith, Hope and Love. The leadership with significance is about modeling and pacing the people they lead and influence in living in Faith, Hope and Love. They need faith, since the future is full of uncertainty and challenges. Faith overcomes F.E.A.R (or False Evidence Appearing Real). Fear destroys and divides up people and is harmful. Faith on the other hand builds up courage to face and move mountains. So to lead extraordinary, instill faith not fear. Faith moves mountains and people. Have faith in God, self and people, then leadership influence will be very effective. Faith allows us to see those we lead like giants and not dwarfs. Faith also shapes the mindset of the leaders and their people to look at the future with opportunities and not with bleakness. 

Hope gives people meaning to life and courage to face tomorrow. 

Love brings the real meaning of our existence in life. Love builds relationship, brings harmony and the joy of life to those we serve. 

Leadership that is extraordinary set pace and set example in the area of faith hope and love. Servant leadership influence people towards having faith, hope and love of the future, for their people, and the environment we all live in. 


In conclusion, we should strive to become an extraordinary leader, to inspire as shared vision, ignite the spirit of innovations, and instill faith, hope and love for influence. 

Developing Leadership Skills by: Charles J Williams

This article is designed to provide guidance for executives, managers, and specialists, who are involved in leading the strategic direction of their organisations. The articles will cover all the main areas of expertise, knowledge, and understanding, that are need to successfully lead an organisation in today’s complex and fast-changing world. 

The first area that we look at is that of Personal Attributes. This is a blend of knowledge, expertise, and competencies, encapsulated in the approach, the behaviour, of the leader. In organisations of all sizes and in all sectors, public and private, these characteristics are key to effective leadership. The essential personal attributes are as follows. 

Behaving Ethically, by: learning about the ethical issues and concerns that impact on your business sector; adopting a balanced, open-minded approach to the ethical concerns of others; considering the ethical issues and implications of all personal actions and organisational activity; raising and discussing ethical issues before proposing or agreeing to decisions; resisting pressures from the organisation or its partners to achieve objectives by unethical means. 

Thinking Strategically, by: learning and understanding how the different functions, physical divisions, and layers, of the organisation should work together: understanding the complexities of, and the changes happening in, the external environment, and considering how the organisation can best respond the these; understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation, and the opportunities and threats facing it; understanding how the strategic objectives are influenced by all the current and forecast influences that will impact on the organisation; understanding that the operational objectives and targets must be in line with and support the strategic objectives of the organisation; being aware of and responding to the behaviour of current and potential competitors. 

Supporting Corporate Goals, by: helping to create and communicate a vision which can be understood and supported by people at all levels; helping others to understand and contribute to the strategic goals; giving visible personal support to the strategic direction and specific goals set by the organisation. 

Communicating Effectively, by: being responsive to messages and signals from the internal and external environments; making effective use of communication channels from and to all levels within the organisation; pro-actively encourage the exchange of information within the organisation, and amongst suppliers, customers and partners; listening to others, including those with opposing views, carefully and thoughtfully; selecting personal communication styles that are appropriate to the different situations and audiences. 

Gathering Information, by: establishing multiple channels and networks which generate a constant flow of information, from within and outside the organisation; regularly and consistently gathering, analysing, challenging, and using the information gathered. 

Making Decisions, by: establishing a consistent approach to the analysis of information; drawing on personal experience and knowledge to identify current and potential problems; consider a range of solutions before selecting the final one; ensuring that the selected decision is feasible, achievable, and affordable; considering the impact of the decision on all stakeholders, at all levels, before approving implementation. 

Developing Effective Teams, by: appreciating the contribution of others, at all levels in the organisation; ensuring that individuals and teams are kept informed of plans, developments and issues that will affect them; ensuring that individual and team development schemes are given appropriate priority; providing personal support for the implementation and maintenance of development activities for individuals and teams at all levels. 

Behaving Assertively, by: understanding and responding to personal roles and responsibilities; adopting a leading role in initiating action and decision making; taking personal responsibility for decisions and actions; being properly prepared for involvement in activities and events; being confident and professional in dealing with change and challenges; refusing unreasonable demands; defending and protecting individuals and teams from unfair or discriminatory actions; remaining professional in manner at all times. 

Concentrating On Results, by: contributing to the establishment of an organisational culture that demands high standards and high levels of performance; focusing on objectives and planned outcomes, at all times; dealing with issues and problems when they arise; planning and scheduling personal work and the work of others in ways which make best use of available resources; delegating appropriately; giving personal attention to the critical issues and events. 

Managing Yourself, by: reflecting regularly on personal performance and progress; pro-actively asking for feedback on personal performance; changing personal behaviour in the light of feedback received; being responsible for your own personal development needs. 

Presenting a Positive Image, by: adopting a leading role in initiating action and decision making; behaving in a professional manner at all times; being open-minded and responsive to the needs of others; visibly working towards personal and career development goals; adopting an ethical approach to all personal and organisational activity; being supportive to colleagues; demonstrating fairness and integrity at all times. 

In Summary: these essential attributes are many, and difficult to maintain consistently, but they are the attributes needed by, and expected of, our business leaders. The size of the organisation, the business sector, whether public or private, is of no consequence. The leaders of all organisations should be role models for others, be visible champions of high standards of professional and ethical behaviour, be leaders who others in their organisations can be proud of, and be leaders that competitors are envious of. Not many of these characteristics are imbued in our leaders by default. They have to be learned, can be learned, and should then be continuously developed and enhanced. With these personal attributes in place, and being demonstrated in behaviour and actions, business leaders will be more effective and more successful. 

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

How to Think More Clearly By Chris Farmer

The art of clear thinking is a learnable technique that will help you to sharpen your mind and allow you to cut through rhetoric and evaluate the reasoning (if any) behind the words.

To initiate this process, I want to show you six common fallacies, which blur accurate analysis of ideas.

Learn them and apply them every day.

Democratic fallacy

Unreliable reasoning that stems from the idea that the "majority opinion" is a source of truth and a reliable guide for action. This is a very dodgy way to discover "Truth" For example; Imagine a passenger aircraft is having engine trouble. Would it be right for the pilot to hold a vote as to whether they should attempt an emergency landing? If not, why not?

Is the majority opinion in the office a reliable guide to intelligent action?

Can a million people be wrong?

Be careful if you are tempted to reinforce your argument with the cry "everyone else thinks so, too."

Correlation-cause confusion

is a common trap that people fall into. Just because two things occur at the same time does not necessarily mean that one caused the other. It is a mistake to treat a correlation as a causal connection

If I put on my lucky ring, and I go out and find a ten pound note, did the ring cause it to happen? 
If a new boss comes to work and the sales next month go down, what does it mean?

Getting personal

is the mistake of dismissing an idea because of the person suggesting it. Imagine an overweight scientist has done research to prove that exercise reduces the risk of heart disease. You could be tempted to say, "What does he know? Look at the state of him!" Or you could say "He should practice what he preaches" and dismiss the valuable idea.

Halo effect

is the reverse of the above. It means that you give extra credibly to an idea because of the person. For example Elvis Presley was asked whether he thought the Americans were right to be at war in Vietnam. He wisely answers " I don't want to get into that. I am an entertainer. Ask me about my music"

I remember a radio programme asking agony-aunt Claire Raynor what she thought about the state of the criminal justice system in England and Wales. What specialised knowledge does her opinion carry?

Separate ideas from the person proposing them and evaluated an idea as a "thing" in its own right. Determine if the idea can act as a guide to intelligent action.

Arbitrary assertion

is an unsubstantiated statement of belief with no principle, reasoning or sensory evidence to support it. It is a mistake to grant plausibility to an assertion simply because it is forcefully delivered or repeated.

Frequency and volume should never take the place of logic in your decision to accept an idea as true.

Napoleon once quipped "Repetition is my strongest argument" (and then lost 250,000 in his disastrous Russian campaign) Equally, it follows that you should avoid trying to convince someone else by simply becoming louder and more passionate. Instead strive to make your reasoning inescapable.

Gamblers fallacy

is the mistaken belief that your chances of winning increases the longer you play. This is a false idea. If you are doing the wrong thing it makes no difference how long you do it. It still will not work. If your current plan has not been yielding any meaningful results, it will not change fortunes tomorrow. * Change your ideas. * Change the plan. * Change the actions. * The results must and will change.

Critical reasoning to develop clarity of thought will cause you to do three things: 
You will:

* Listen more intently 
* Ask more questions 
* Think more before you make your decision

All of these will help you get better results

Four step formula for constructing an argument

1. Make sure that the reasons/evidence you offer are relevant to the conclusion. (Ensure your reasoning has no fallacies). 
2. Is your conclusion the best based on the reasons or evidence? Ask, Is this conclusion justified. 
3. If your conclusion is for some new action or policy, can the policy be carried out practically? 
4. Consider the counter arguments that could weaken your position. Make sure you have accessed all relevant information.

Chris Farmer is the leader of The Corporate Coach Group, and a published author in Business Coaching. His training courses through the Corporate Coach Group have helped hundreds of managers become immediately more effective.

Listen to Lead By Kare Anderson

"Our attitude is the crayon that colors our world."

- Allen Klein, cancer doctor

In a time-pressed, relationship-diminished world, you are able to demonstrate a caring attitude most quickly through compassionate, complete listening. Yet we are so rushed, slowing down to listen, without interruption is an increasingly rare happening -- so of course you'll really stand out when you do.

Seeing the rewards for listening may help you become motivated to practice. Upfront, I admit that what I'm prosing here has often been hard for me to practice myself.

Learning to listen is more difficult than learning to ask good questions but there are rich and immediate rewards from being an obviously thoughtful listener. With less stress and energy on your part, you naturally bring others closer sooner, when you listen without interruption, rather than asking questions.

You can confirm by listening what you have most in common with that person, in that moment, so you can see where to build bridges to deepen the relationship. The deeper the relationship, the stronger the roots of connection for the inevitable mis-communication or disagreement.

Further, you'll know what part of your needs or request to bring up first to attract their support, because you have observed their hot button interests and dislikes. You can approach a topic by suggesting your idea in a way that serves the interests the speaker has already mentioned in the conversation. In a crowd of active speakers, you may feel left out or shunted aside when you speak less, but if you wait until others have spoken first, you can propose your suggestions or idea as specific extensions or examples of what others have already said is important to them.

Quieting the chattering mind promotes directed action. Listening may seem like a passive task, but, in fact, it requires more mental and emotional energy to do right than even speaking compellingly. Why? Because our gut instinctual reaction is to perceive that other people mean the same thing that we would mean if they say or act a certain way.

For example, a man who once worked for me when I headed a high tech division of a company was often treated as if he was thick-headed or even a withholder because he took longer to respond to others' questions, spoke much more slowly and haltingly than most everyone else in this fast-paced company and seldom looked people in the eye when he spoke to them.

"There is much to be said for not saying much."

- Frank Tyger

As well, he seldom answered a question directly but often gave lengthy preambles and apparently tangential facts before he main his main point. He was, however the most brilliant, big picture and inventive of the people I met in the company. He was also extremely shy, easily overwhelmed by fast movements, loud and rapid speaking and rambunctious, interruptive discussions -- the hallmarks of many of the meetings in this company. His core work group, after considerable friction and conflict, miraculously agreed on some specific rules to see if it would help them get along better. This happened only after he wrote a memo that elegantly and articulately outlines a solution to the main problem on the project in which they were working.

The rest of the group then realized that their success depended on making him feel comfortable in exchanging ideas with them. They agreed that they would not interrupt him when he was speaking, at least for four minutes, a more reasonable goal, they thought, that attempting to say they would never interrupt him. He, in turn, agreed to propose his main idea upfront, and then elaborate, and to also respond directly to questions, then expand upon his answer. The unexpected side benefit is that, over time, he became much more comfortable with speaking up sooner and ooking at others more as he spoke. The rest of the group, in turn, started noticing that thye were seeing other sides of each other as their meetings had slow as well as fast-paced parts to them.

Be the Kind of Person Who Now Gets More Done - Through Others' Best Side

Research shows that Americans are more likely to trust and support a new kind of leader who exhibits strong listening and action skills. Unlike the John F. Kennedy - model of "Charismatic Leader" that worked in the past, they find other kinds of behavior and group interaction more satisfying and inspiring. My apologies to the Broadcast Engineering readers who are not in the U.S. but I hope some of these finding will also provde helpful to you.

While many experts on leadership such as Warren Bennis and Steve Covey offer valuable ideas on what leadership should look like, two research studies, one by the U.S. Air Force and the other by M.I.T, show that people are more likely to listen to and take action in support of certain people who exhibted at least three of seven behavioral traits, regardless of the "Synthesizer-Style" leaders' age, sex, ethnicity, education or even physical size.

"Synthesizer Leaders" bring out the most productive, "high performance side of their colleagues. While this new style of "Most Valuable Player" do make their presence felt in their organization, they are much less likely than past leaders to take center stage in all situations, voice an opinion early or take charge of projects. They do not need TQM programs because they set clear, specific rules and rewards up front which they don't change mid stream.

"If they want peace, nations should avoid the pinpricks that precede cannot shots."

- Napoleon Bonaparte

Here is a summary of those behavioral traits I've written in the form of instructions for your to consider following:

1. "Go slow to go fast" 
At the beginning of every task or interaction, do everything lower, slower less -- in moving and speaking -- so that you get "in sync" and can then establish a common direction and involvement so that when you pick up speed later on, everybody is eager to be on board.

2. Create the Common Vision 
Vividly characterize the direct benefit to the listener up front, for providing support, even if it is a part of his job anyway. Then characterize how the expected support directly relates to one of the top goals of your organization, the upside and down side of doing the work.

3. Play Straight 
Announce the rules upfront -- penalties and rewards for participation in a team activity or project or job -- and don't change them mid-stream without a compelling reason.

4. Play it Back

Seek and reward candid feedback on an ongoing basis, and respond specifically and soon to what you've been told, including the rational about the action you will or will not take, based upon that feedback.

5. Synthesize the Best 
Listen. Ask probing questions that do not reflect a bias. Ask more, then synthesize others' best ideas as a way of proposing a next action that may attract agreement as it reflects their ideas at least in part.

6. Give Third Party Endorsements 
Offer specific, genuine praise for others' contributions from anywhere in the company; praise them to those who are important to them and in ways that reflect their highest self-image and values.

7. Walk Your Talk 
Demonstrate a congruency in all that you do; make and keep agreements; reflect a clear set of core personal values that people can trust you'll keep, regardless of whether they share those values.

Emmy-winning former Wall Street Journal and NBC reporter, Kare Anderson is the author of SmartPartnering, Resolving Conflict Sooner, Getting What You Want, Walk Your Talk and LikeAbility; and publisher of Clean Air at Home, Moving From Me to We and Say it Better, collectively serving over 42,000 subscribers in 26 countries.

Leadership - Determining the Right Style of Leaders By Duncan Brodiehip

As a leader, you will find that you have to deal with a whole range of different problems, issues and challenges. Your success as a leader depends on how you respond to these challenges. Like everything, there are a number of different options you could take to addressing the specific situation and you choose what is most appropriate. Situational leadership or the one size does not fit all approach is about adapting your style to the specific situation.

Leadership styles fall into 5 main categories:

• Telling- where you tell

• Telling and selling- where you explain the why and make the case

• Consultation - where you want to get ideas but retain responsibility for the final decision

• Participation -where you involve others in the solution and decision process

• Empowerment - where you pass the power and authority to others

So let's take a look at some specific examples.

If you are dealing with someone who is a beginner with limited experience or knowledge, you will probably be much more directive about what you want and how you want it done.

On the other hand you might be faced with a situation where someone is not a beginner but for some reason has become disillusioned or lost confidence. In this situation, coaching that person is what will work best most of the time.

There may be people or teams of people who are incredibly capable but by nature cautious. Often people in technical professions which are highly rules based fall into this category. For this group, a supportive style might work best where you focus on encouraging and re-assuring

Finally, you probably have some individuals or teams that are best described as self reliant and achievement orientated. For this group, the most successful leadership style is to delegate the task and responsibility, get out of the way and leave them to get on with it.

Bottom line: Think about the other person or group when deciding what leadership style to adopt.

Duncan Brodie of Goals and Achievements (G&A) works with individuals, teams and organisations to develop their management and leadership capability.

With 25 years business experience in a range of sectors, he understands first hand the real challenges of managing and leading in the demanding business world.

You can learn more about Duncan, Goals and Achievements services and products and sign up for his free e-course and newsletter athttp://www.goalsandachievements.co.uk/