The world, everywhere is looking for leaders!
Governments need leaders of substances to bring about good governance. The organizations pay attractive remunerations for leaders who can build them to greater heights. Our communities need good leaders to establish social cohesion for a peaceful environment. Our homes need leadership to bring about love and harmony in the family. Good leaders are needed everywhere. It is surely a rare commodity and the recruitment is still on going.
Great organizations are not just looking for managers that manage their function well, but rather for leaders that can influence others for breakthrough results. Growing their people, their teams through empowerment and creative actions for winning over competitions.
Some examples of extraordinary leaders are: Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, etc..
What is leadership?
Rosalyn Carter once said, "A leader takes people where they want to go. A great and extraordinary leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go but ought to go!" That is extraordinary leadership, isn’t it!
We all know that leadership is all about INFLUENCE! Influencing lives, societies and the environment for the good of all. It is about sacrificial giving of service and not taking for selfish reasons. Can someone like us, who always deem ourselves, as ordinary people become extraordinary Leaders?
The answer is a definitely YES!
Let me convince you that it is possible. I will share with you 3 key principles about leading influence for extraordinary results.
"Ordinary people like you and me can have extraordinary influence in life!" We can impact people whom we serve, work with and lead, if we put these 3 key principles into daily application." Walking the TALK not just WALK! NATO leading is not powerful and is not accepted by all. (N.A.T.O.which means No Actions Talk Only).
The 3 key principles with the alphabet, "I", or I called it
The 3 Is of Leadership Influence.
That is:
I – INSPIRE the future.
I – IGNITE the spirit of innovations.
I – INSTILL the people with Faith, Hope and Love.
Let me now elaborate, firstly the I – INSPIRE the future.
Leadership is about looking at the future, future direction and future vision. As the wise saying goes, " Without vision, people perish!" So leadership without vision kills not only the leaders but also the people they lead. We all need to have a direction of what is to come and leadership influence and inspiration for the people to move towards it is necessary.
Regarding direction. Let me share an ancient story which happened in the central province of Hang Zhou, China many years ago. There was a war that broke out in the North of the province. There was a young man; full of courage and faith, decided that he would go for the war with their warriors to defeat the enemy of the land. He prides himself, saying, I will go and fight the war and I will win. I will win because I have a sharp sword, strong horse and a brave heart! He was chanting his victorious war cry, "I have a sharp sword, strong horse and a brave heart, I will win the war for our country".
However, along the way he met a wise old man who stopped him. "What are you doing, young man?" Answering with a confident voice, he replied, "Sir, I am going to the North to fight the war and I believe I will win the war as I have a sharp sword, strong horse and a brave heart."
The wise man retorted, "young man, what makes you so sure that you will win the war? The war is in the North, but the direction you are heading is going South!"
How true, isn’t it. Leaders may have a good direction, but if they are heading to the wrong direction, then that is sure disaster!
Direction dictates vision. Vision empowers people to the future. But it is clear and shared vision that will harness people’s commitment and synergy towards true success.
So to become extraordinary, INSPIRE a shared vision among those we lead.
Next is about I – IGNITE the spirit of innovations. The future belongs to people and organizations that innovate. The saying goes, either we INNOVATE or we will EVAPORATE! Everyone in the organization must be responsible for innovation. Innovation is a result of people not the organization. People innovate, never the organization. It is leadership that empowers the people to unleash their creative potentials to the fullest. Leaders need to ignite the spirit of innovation by creating a climate through Respect, Trust and Effective Communication.
The power of innovation, is derived from people that add and multiply to life and not from those who minus and divide life. A positive and multiplying leader ignite the potential of those they lead to the similar positive and multiplying outcome. They look for ways to ADD value and areas to MULTIPLY impact on the organization. Good followers are influenced by good and effective leader. On the other hand, good leaders are encouraged and supported by strong followership as well.
Finally, let me share about the last I – INSTILL the people with Faith, Hope and Love. The leadership with significance is about modeling and pacing the people they lead and influence in living in Faith, Hope and Love. They need faith, since the future is full of uncertainty and challenges. Faith overcomes F.E.A.R (or False Evidence Appearing Real). Fear destroys and divides up people and is harmful. Faith on the other hand builds up courage to face and move mountains. So to lead extraordinary, instill faith not fear. Faith moves mountains and people. Have faith in God, self and people, then leadership influence will be very effective. Faith allows us to see those we lead like giants and not dwarfs. Faith also shapes the mindset of the leaders and their people to look at the future with opportunities and not with bleakness.
Hope gives people meaning to life and courage to face tomorrow.
Love brings the real meaning of our existence in life. Love builds relationship, brings harmony and the joy of life to those we serve.
Leadership that is extraordinary set pace and set example in the area of faith hope and love. Servant leadership influence people towards having faith, hope and love of the future, for their people, and the environment we all live in.
In conclusion, we should strive to become an extraordinary leader, to inspire as shared vision, ignite the spirit of innovations, and instill faith, hope and love for influence.
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